~ Meet the Libra ~ Abigail Barclay

What are your sun/moon/rising astrological placements?

Sun = Libra, Rising = Aries, Moon = Virgo

How do you feel your signs have an influence over your work?

I feel like being a Libra, I love beauty. Beauty is art, music, fashion, fragrance, flowers, and nature. This has led me to pursue work or career paths centred in creativity and utilising my artistic abilities and sensibilities. I’m also extremely organised in my work, which I think comes from the Virgo placements in my chart. Aries fuels my desire for newness and taking risks in my work life - I’ve changed jobs and pursued many different types of work throughout my life. I’ve always been very open to trying new things and have never been afraid of change. 

Tell us about a favorite scent memory.

I will always remember the smell of Chanel No5 on my grandmother’s clothing when I hugged her. I loved that smell - it smelled like sophistication and glamour to me.

What color are you really vibing with lately?

I’m really into green right now - all tones, but in particular the deep jewel-tone version - I even painted my dining room walls this colour. It feels both historical and modern. And then I’m also really into cocoa as a colour, and anything within that range and spectrum - clay, cocoa, sand, rust, etc.

What’s something interesting that you’ve read, watched, or listened to recently?

I love reading books that transport me fully into another reality, and immerse me in a story. I’m currently re-reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. The last time I read it was back in the mid-late 2000’s and I had completely forgotten a lot of the plot line so it’s like reading it for the first time. 

Do you have any magical rituals or special ways you like to unwind in your space?

When I want to unwind in my space, I’ll usually start by brewing myself a cup of tea, light a candle, and find a cozy spot to relax in with a snuggly blanket.

What’s something exciting you’re looking forward to this year? 

I’m really looking forward to travelling overseas this year.


~ Meet the Scorpio ~ Helen Segil


~ Meet the Virgo ~ Dinah Gacon